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Anywhere in the World, there is no better technology for taming Climate Change

wetting with

Gif with the word tree in several languages.

revolutionary new insights into eco-hydro-climatological landscape restoration

how to nurture plants so as to form climate-regulating forests

Tree_by Wigold Schaffer

technological marvels of nature


There are more than three trillion individual trees left in the world, down to half the amount that the Earth once had [i]. The tree population is made up of some 60,065 known tree species [ii], 16,000 of which are estimated to exist in the Amazon basin alone [iii].

Trees are incredibly advanced beings that have evolved very effective climate regulating capabilities.

A tree is technologically much more sophisticated and important than common sense might assume. Every tree is a remarkable functional standing structure, immensely complex on anatomical, cellular, and molecular levels. Self-assembled and self-sustained, it is a powerful and versatile generator of life and environmental services.

An epitome of living self-sufficient competence, a tree requires nothing more than a space in which to grow, plus carbon dioxide, water, light, and a handful of other nutrients. The water drawn up from the soil by a tree’s intelligent root system defies gravity by means of thousands of elaborate vessels inside the trunk. Many meters above the ground, this water is converted into vapor by a myriad of extraordinary multifunctional green solar panels – the leaves – that irrigate the air above them and generate an upward flow of moisture.

In a way that is totally imperceptible to us humans, subtle scents emitted by the leaves react in the atmosphere to form a fine dust, the minuscule particles of which function as efficient condensation seeds. The affinity that these condensation seeds have for water vapor gives rise to the vast quantities of tiny droplets that form clouds and that, in turn, eventually coalesce into life-giving rain.

Condensing water vapor leaves a void in the air, lowering atmospheric pressure and causing moist air from surrounding areas to be drawn in to fill the gap. These powerful environmental effects are only the tip of the green-technology iceberg.

In a nutshell, trees are nature’s environmental regulation workhorses

[i] (Crowther et al., 2015)

[ii] (Beech et al., 2017)

[iii] (Ter Steege et al., 2013)

Landscape moisture photo_by Freepik

The Emerald Planet

Thousands of years ago, the continents were covered by dense vegetation

Up until some 500 million years before modern times, all continents were barren. Then plants and trees began to evolve and, gradually, green began to dominate the landscape. Over the course of millions of years, forests have managed to keep a firm hold on land, surviving cataclysmic challenges from a wildly oscillating climate.


Even just 11,000 years ago, dense vegetation still covered lands in warm climates all over the world. By studying present-day natural forests and their physical interactions with the atmosphere and the climate, we have learned how large, dense expanses of forest can promote, maintain and regulate optimal rainfall for their own needs and development.

Trillions of trees were then lost, leaving behind large deserts

The very existence of a mechanism through which forests produce their own rain (self-hydrate) explains why convivial wet climates hold sway where forests occur and, conversely, inhospitable dry climates take over when forests are lost. Losing forest cover means losing an ingenious pump of atmospheric moisture, consequently leading to a persisting landlocked dry circulation that results in aridity.

Nature will take millennia to recolonize deforested lands

Nature, if left to its own devices, will eventually recolonize disturbed land with forests, but this process can take millennia to come to fruition. Searching for ways to halt current climatic trends, we asked ourselves the following question:



Could there possibly be a way of accelerating the greening of degraded and arid lands?


By better understanding the hydro-climatological mechanisms of forests using the Biotic Pump Theory and by applying the ecological regenerative principles of Syntropic Restoration, we examined new possibilities and devised new strategies for speeding up natural land recovery through self-sustaining forests.

We devised ingenious new ways of speeding up greening

Biotic Pump logo

The Greening Group

We are an international team of climate, water, forest, agroforestry, ecophysiology, landscape ecology, architecture, and communications experts brought together by a shared vision.


We include those who devised the biotic pump and many of those who have recognized its power to improve and transform the trajectory of our planet and its people. We also include those who devised syntropic restoration as well those who acquired experience and developed innovative knowledge and various methods of ecosystem restoration.

Landscape and moisture photo_by Freepik.
Biotic Pump Logo

The Biotic Pump Greening Group has the know-how to advise and guide actions for a sustainable future where trees and climate regulating forests will play a crucial role.

Created by Ambiente Artes using Wix.

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